My Weaneymoon

“I did a thing!” I took myself on a weaneymoon. I also made that up. Yep, it’s a thing now – “a weaneymoon” is a thing you can do and I just did it. I have so much to unpack about this. Perhaps the best place to start is the what, then I will […]
My Meditation Practices (including a list of 10 times they help me and might help you)

Yes, practiceS, I have multiple. No, I am not 100% loyal to my meditation provider/ teacher/ guide, technique or even particularly disciplined about when or where or how long I do it. But here’s the thing, you don’t need to be to benefit. And the benefits are great. If you need convincing, my no. 1 […]
My Media Coverage

1. The Advertiser (Adelaide metropolitan newspaper in print) Title: Feeling sleep deprived? There’s an(app) for that: Hotel for tired mums – By Jessica Galletly, The Sunday Mail, The Advertiser, 30 October 2022 (NewsCorp) Description: 3/4 page spread on page 12 in print, digital, online at and on The Tiser’s Facebook page. Link to full […]