My Weaneymoon

“I did a thing!” I took myself on a weaneymoon. I also made that up. Yep, it’s a thing now – “a weaneymoon” is a thing you can do and I just did it. I have so much to unpack about this. Perhaps the best place to start is the what, then I will […]
Lay with me, stay with me

My mind is going a million miles an hour, I have so many things on this week and next. But he is here, now I just want to get up so I can start my list of things to do which include a rest of my own without you. But I am here, now. I’ve […]
Be careful what you wish for

For so long I’ve wished for, sometimes hissed under my breath forand even yelled too loud foryou to get away from me…Seeing that typed in black and white just made me pause painfully. Because now you are. Away from me, more than you are with me. I am so happy that you are happy, happy […]
Unexpected things I’m loving about mumming

My Baby Marketplace

The time has come. I’ve decided I’m a two-kid mum. I used to imagine having three… the tension I feel selling all our baby stuff tells me I still carry this old dream deep in my tired body. But not in my head, in there is only dread and fear of possible – probable – […]
*My favourite weight and warmth to wear

As the thickness in my head begins to thin so does the black fog that this illness brought in. As usual, right before I fell into bed tonight my baby woke upset and unable to be settled by his daddy who came out after trying anyway to say, “He doesn’t want me.” But tonight, I […]